We highly value the privacy and protection of your personal information. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain how we collect, use, and protect this information when you use our products or services.

Before using our products or services, please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Privacy Policy. By confirming your full understanding and agreement, you may proceed to use the relevant products or services. If you do not agree with any part of this Privacy Policy, you should immediately cease using our platform services. Once you begin using our products or services, it indicates that you fully understand and agree to this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy helps you understand the following:

  1. How we collect and use your personal information: This app does not collect or use your personal information.
  2. How we store and protect your personal information: This app does not store your personal information.
  3. How we share, transfer, or disclose your personal information: This app does not share, transfer, or disclose your personal information.